Cabinet Creator(Trademark) Version 3.25 Concept by : Don Beliveau and Donald R Beliveau Written by : Donald R Beliveau Documentation by: Don Beliveau Copyright 1996-2000, by CAB-TECH Software(Trademark) All rights reserved 'By Cabinet Makers, For Cabinet Makers.' Thank you for choosing Cabinet Creator. The material presented in this publication is copyright-protected, January 2000 by CAB-TECH Software(Trademark) Software License Agreement: READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING OR DISTRIBUTING CAB-TECH SOFTWARE'S DOCUMENTATION, SOFTWARE AND ADDITIONAL MATERIALS (THE PRODUCT). THE PRODUCT IS COPYRIGHTED AND LICENSED(NOT SOLD) TO YOU AND BY INSTALLING, USING OR DISTRIBUTING THE PRODUCT, YOU ARE ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU SHOULD NOT INSTALL, USE OR DISTRIBUTE THIS PRODUCT. THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT REPRESENTS THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE PRODUCT BETWEEN YOU AND CAB-TECH SOFTWARE, AND IT SUPERSEDES ANY PRIOR PROPOSAL, REPRESENTATION, OR UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE PARTIES. A license for personal use may be purchased that grants the user the right to use Cabinet Creator on more than one computer. A commercial license requires sufficient licensing equal to the number of users, or the quantity of workstations that access the software, whichever is smaller. No one may modify or patch the Cabinet Creator executable files in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering the programs. COPYING REGISTERED COPIES OF THE PRODUCT: You may make copies of the Registered Product which are necessary for normal backup purposes only. You agree not to make any other copies of the software, the manual(s),or any part of them, or sell or give any copies to others. LIMITED WARRANTY : Cab-Tech Software warrants that all disks provided are free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Cab-Tech Software warrants that the program will perform in substantial compliance with the documentation supplied with the software product. If a significant defect in the product is found, the Purchaser may return the product for a refund. In no event will such a refund exceed the purchase price of the product. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, CAB-TECH SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL CAB-TECH SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF CAB-TECH SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is Cab-Tech Software 107 Kiser Street / Walterboro, SC 29488 CAB-TECH SOFTWARE INFO: CAB-TECH Software 214 Weiters Street Walterboro, SC 29488 Email: SYSTEM MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Windows 95/98 20 meg HD space VGA Monitor Keyboard Mouse recommended INTRODUCTION: Cabinet Creator is designed for the shop or individual who wants to start building their cabinets, vanities, bookcases, etc. immediately. Cabinet Creator will produce a cutlist for faceframe cabinets with overlay or flush style doors and drawer fronts. With very little dimensional input this program will produce a complete cutlist for each cabinet, (including cabinet boxes, face frames, doors, drawer fronts, and drawer boxes. It will also produce a front elevation drawing to scale of each cabinet. There is a Standards section for you to input all your basic cabinet information. With the standards info the program needs only a cabinet ID, cabinet length, and number of openings to produce a complete cutlist and an elevation drawing. You can also choose Custom and then input all the data manually for a cabinet. This saves editing the standards section to create a cutlist for an odd sized, or special cabinet. You can save each cabinet's data to a job directory. You create the job directories from within the program itself. You can load cabinet data from a former job to use in a new job. You can make a directory to keep specialty cabinets or frequently used cabinet types (Sink bases, Cook top bases, etc.) for instant use in new jobs. Cabinet Creator is a cabinet maker's tool. Like your shop equipment it saves you time which means more profit! GETTING STARTED: The windows are basically self-explanatory and very easy to follow. In the first window you choose the Cabinet's data source, Cabinet orientation, and the Cabinet type. 1. The basic cabinet data will come from, your Standards file, Custom input, or from a previously saved cabinet. The standards file is where you put your standard dimensions for the various parts of the base and overhead cabinets which do not usually change from job to job. The program will use this information to fill in dimensions for parts like, style width, toe kick height, apron width, etc.. These dimensions can be edited in the cabinet data input window. Note: In the first window is where you have the option to edit your Standards file. If you choose custom input then you would enter all dimensions for your cabinet in the cabinet data input window. You can use data from a saved cabinet file. For instance, if you have a repeat cabinet like a vanity, sink base, bookcase, etc. from job to job, you would load the saved cabinet file, edit the cabinet ID, and print it out. 2. Next choose either base or overhead for Cabinet orientation. 3. Then choose the type of cabinet, example: Standard, Corner, Slide-in, Blind-end, etc. 4. Once the Cabinet data source, orientation, and type is choosen then click the (ACCEPT) button and the Cabinet Data Input window will appear. The next window is the Cabinet data input, where the cabinet id and and dimensions are entered. After entering the id and dimensions choose what action to take next: Produce Cutlist -- To view and print out your cut list View Elevation -- To view and print our your elevation New Cabinet -- To start the next cabinet Save Cabinet -- To save for future use Exit -- To exit program Help -- To view this manual (calculator) button -- To bring up the Calculator/Converter The following is a description of base and overhead cabinet types: Standard----------: This is a cabinet used in a straight run or a single cabinet with both ends finished. Standard Corner---: This cabinet starts in a corner with a scribe butting the wall and is finished on the other end or has a standard cabinet butting to continue a straight run. Standard Slide-in-: This is a cabinet that slides in between two walls and has scribes on both ends. Corner------------: This is a cabinet that forms a 90 degree inside corner by butting to the face of a blind-end cabinet. Noted on base cabinets by the extended toe kick that butts the toe kick of the blind-end cabinet and a wider style at the corner to allow drawers to bypass each other at the inside corner of the cabinet run. Blind-End---------: This is a cabinet used when turning the cabinet run 90 degrees with a corner cabinet. The corner cabinet butts the face of the blind-end. Corner/Blind-End--: This cabinet is styled as a corner on one end to butt a blind-end cabinet, and styled as a blind-end on the other end for a corner cabinet to butt it. This works well in a small kitchen where the cabinets run in a 'U' shape. Outside Corner----: This cabinet makes the 90 degree outside turn in a run of cabinets. It will allow a change in cabinet depth when turning the outside corner. You pick which run the drawer will be with and a false drawer front will be provided for the other side. You will have doors on both finished sides. Stacked Drawer----: This is a unit of vertically stacked drawers. Because you have control of drawer heights, you can use this unit to calculate drawer units for kitchens, desks, chests of drawers just to name a few. SAVING & LOADING CABINET DATA Saving Cabinet Data: After the cabinet data has been entered in the data input window, click on (Save Cabinet) and then choose the job directory in which the file is to placed. If a new job directory is required, click the (NEW JOB) button to create a new directory. Click the (save) button. After saving, the program returns to the Data Input window. Loading Cabinet Data: At the bottom of the Cabinet Selection window click the (LOAD SAVED CABINET DATA) button. Then next select the cabinet you wish to load. After loading, the program will take you to either the Base or Overhead data input window. All the dimensions will be filled in. At this time the cabinet ID or any of the cabinet data can be edited if needed. Next view or print the cutlist and/or elevation. The cabinet data can be saved under the current Job Name or resaved under the original Job Name, this feature allows the use of like cabinets from Job to Job (sink bases, range hood cabinets, vanities, etc.), or simply easily correcting a dimension error. BASE CABINET STANDARDS ENTRY: (A) CABINET HEIGHT: This is the total height of the base cabinet including the thickness of the counter top used. This can be edited in the data input window. (B) CABINET DEPTH: This is the total depth of the base cabinet including the face frame, but does not include the thickness of the cabinet doors, drawer fronts, or overhang of the counter top. This can be edited in the data input window. (C) END MATERIAL THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the cabinet ends. This can be edited in the DATA input window. (D) FLOOR MATERIAL THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the cabinet floor. (E) COUNTER TOP THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the counter top material. The basic cabinet box parts are calculated by subtracting this thickness from the standard `CABINET HEIGHT'. If the counter thickness is set to `0' the basic box height will be the same as the 'CABINET HEIGHT' dimension entered. (F) TOE KICK HEIGHT: This is the height of the toe kick that is seen from the front of the completed cabinet. If the bottom rail is wider than the floor thickness, the actual height of the toe kick will be higher. The additional height will not be seen as it will be behind the bottom rail. This can be edited in the DATA input window. (G) TOE KICK DEPTH: This is the depth the face of the toe kick sets back from the face of the face frame. This is needed to calculate the length of the toe kick on a corner cabinet that butts a blind end cabinet, and for calculating the toe kick length for an outside corner cabinet (H) NAILER HEIGHT: This a horizontal brace that runs between the ends at the top back of the cabinet. The short partitions that carry the side mount drawer runners attach to the nailer. The nailer is where the cabinet is secured to the wall. 4 in. minimum nailer height is recommended. (I) NAILER MATERIAL THICKNESS: This is the thickness of material used for cabinet nailers. The thickness is used in calculating the length of short partitions and counter top supports. Because the nailer carries the top weight at the back of the cabinet a 3/4 in. thickness is recommended. (J) STILE WIDTH: The width of the end stiles used in the cabinet face frames. This can be edited in the data input window. (K) CENTER STILE WIDTH: The width of the stiles used in the middle of the cabinet face frames. This can be edited in the data input window. (L) CORNER STILE WIDTH: This is the width of the stile that forms an inside corner when the cabinet run makes a 90 degree inside turn. A 3 in. width is recommended so cabinet drawers have the clearance to bypass each other at the inside corner of the cabinet run. (M) APRON HEIGHT: The apron is the top most horizontal member of the face frame, fitting between the two end stiles. This can be edited in the data input window. (N) BOTTOM RAIL HEIGHT: The bottom rail is located at the bottom of the face frame. This can be edited in the data input window. (O) FACE MATERIAL THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the material that is used to fabricate the cabinet face frame. (P) DRAWER OPENING HEIGHT: This is opening height in the face frame for the drawer. If no drawers are wanted, set this dimension to '0'. This can be edited in the data input window. (Q) DRAWER SIDE CLEARANCE: The drawer side clearance is specified by the drawer runner manufacture. (R) DRAWER HEIGHT CLEARANCE: A drawer height clearance is required to insert the drawer box into the cabinet when using sidemount drawer runners. A greater clearance is required when using Euro style runners. (S) DRAWER DEPTH: This is the length that the drawer extends into the cabinet. The drawer length is determined by the length of the drawer runner. (T) DRAWER MAT. THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the material used in fabricating the drawer box sides and ends. The bottom can be any thickness. Cabinet Creator calculates the drawer bottom to be dadoed into the sides and ends 1/4 in. Recommended bottom thickness is determined by the weight the drawer will carry. If the Thickness is set to '0' no drawer box parts will be printed out on the cutlist, but the Drawer Fronts will be listed. (U) DOVETAIL DEPTH: This is the length of the dovetail or box joint used in assembling the drawer. If this depth is set to `0' the ends will fit between the sides. (1) DOOR OVERLAY - SIDES: This is how much the side of the door overlays the face frame. If an offset hinge is used, the hinge clearance must be subtracted from the desired overlay. If no doors are wanted, set this dimension to '0'. his can be edited in the data input window. (2) DOOR OVERLAY - TOP: This is how much the top of the door overlays the rail. (3) DOOR OVERLAY - BOTTOM: This is how much the bottom of the door overlays the bottom rail. (4) DRAWER FRONT OVERLAY - TOP: This is how much the top of the drawer front overlays the apron. (5) DRAWER FRONT OVERLAY - BOT: This is how much the bottom of the drawer front overlays the rail. (6) BACK MATERIAL THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the material selected for the backs of the cabinets. If no backs are required, than set this dimension to '0'. (7) BACK OVERLAY - ENDS: This is how much the backs will overlay the ends and also the amount the ends will be dadoed for the backs. (8) CURRENT JOB NAME: The name of the job currently being worked on. OVERHEAD CABINET STANDARDS: (A) CABINET HEIGHT: This is the total height of the overhead cabinet. This can be edited in the data input window. (B) CABINET DEPTH: This is the total depth of the overhead cabinet including the face frame, but not including the door thickness. This can be edited in the data input window. (C) BOX MAT. THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the basic cabinet box parts (ends, partitions, top and bottoms). This can be edited in the data input window. (D) UPPER NAILER HEIGHT: This is the height of the nailer used at the top of the cabinet. 3/4 in. is recommend. The cabinet should be fastened to the wall through the nailer. (E) LOWER NAILER HEIGHT: This is the height of the nailer used at the bottom of the cabinet. 3/4 in. is recommend. The cabinet should be fastened to the wall through the nailer. (F) STILE WIDTH: This is the width of the end stiles used in the cabinet face frame. This can be edited in the data input window. (G) CENTER STILE WIDTH: This is the width of the stiles used in the middle of the cabinet face frame. This can be edited in the data input window. (H) CORNER STILE WIDTH: This is the width of the stile that forms an inside corner when the cabinet run makes a 90 degree inside turn. A 2 1/2 INCH width is recommended so cabinet door can open at least a full 90 degrees. (I) TOP RAIL HEIGHT: The top rail is the top most horizontal member of the face frame, fitting between the two end stiles This can be edited in the data input window. (J) BOTTOM RAIL HEIGHT: The bottom rail is the bottom most horizontal member of the face frame, fitting between the two end stiles. This can be edited in the data input window. (K) FACE MATERIAL THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the material that is used to fabricate the cabinet face frame. (L) DOOR OVERLAY - SIDES: This is how much the side of the door overlays the face frame. If an offset hinge is used, the hinge clearance must be subtracted from the desired overlay. If no doors are wanted, set this dimension to '0'. his can be edited in the data input window. (M) DOOR OVERLAY - TOP: This is how much the top of the door overlays the top rail. (N) DOOR OVERLAY - BOTTOM: This is how much the bottom of the door overlays the bottom rail. (O) BACK MATERIAL THICKNESS: This is the thickness of the material selected for the backs of the cabinets. If no backs are required, than set this dimension to '0'. (P) BACK OVERLAY - ENDS: This is how much the backs will overlay the ends and also the amount the ends will be dadoed for the backs. FLUSH DOORS AND DRAWER FRONTS: Set all door and drawer overlays to a negative overlay. Example: For a flush door needing an 1/8 in. clearance on all sides, set all overlays to -.125 in. HELPFUL HINTS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. To use for a vanity without drawers, set the drawer open height to '0', and set apron width wider to cover the sink hang down. Drawer box parts and drawer fronts will not be printed on cut list. 2. Because the amount of adjustable shelving in the cabinets depends on the application and the type of adjustable system used, the program does not calculate the shelving for you. 3. When using 3/8 offset doors and drawer fronts, reduce the 3/8 overlay by the amount needed for hinge and closing clearance. 4. The dimensions that you enter are also printed on the cut list for reference. 5. The program calculates the floor to run the full length of a base cabinet, with all partitions sitting on the floor. 6. The program calculates partitions to exact lengths, therefore if you are lineboring ends and partitions in for adjustable shelving. You will need to cut partitions to the same length as ends, and then cut the to size(after lineboring). The partitions will then fit between the top and bottom of the overhead cabinet. 7. Because nailers run the full length of a cabinet, you will need to notch the top back side of partitions on base cabinets and the top and bottom back side of partitions on overhead cabinets to accept the nailers. 8. The short partitions are installed between the face frame and the nailer to carry the side mount drawer runners. It is a good idea to have your base cabinet nailers at least 4 INCHES high. 9. To use for open bookcases, choose overhead cabinet. Increase bottom rail width to desired height above the floor for the bottom shelf. Set door overlay to '0', and door parts will not be printed on cut list. Add base trim at bottom, crown mold at the top, and adjustable shelving and your bookcase is complete. 10. When using custom input you can click enter without entering a dimension and the program will assume a '0' and continue on. 11. To have Cabinet Creator produce a cutlist for a faceframe with doors only set box material thickness to '0'. This feature can be used to produce frameworks for decorative wall panels, door and frame units for through wall access points, etc.. 12. Kick, Bottom Brace, Short Partition, and Partition thicknesses have no impact on cabinet calculations, therefore they can be whatever the cabinet builder chooses. 13. Email us at with your comments or questions. Cabinet Creator(Trademark MASTER CUTLISTS ACCESSORY Copyright 1998, by CAB-TECH Software(Trademark All rights reserved ABOUT THE MATER CUTLISTS ACCESSORY: The Master Cutlists Accessory is used to produce master cutlists for a group of selected cabinet data files. The Master Cutlists accessory retrieves the information it needs from saved cabinet data files, in job folders that were created using the Cabinet Creator program. It can produce four types of master cutlists, first, a master cutlist for all cabinet box parts, second, a master cutlist for all face frame parts, third, a master cutlist of all drawer box parts, and fourth, a master cutlist for all slab doors and drawer fronts. USING THE MASTER CUTLISTS ACCESSORY: From the opening window, select the job folder that contains the cabinet files to be processed for doors and/or drawer fronts. Next, select a file from the [Cabinet Files] box then click the (ADD) button to add the file, or click the (ADD ALL) button to add all files located in the [Cabinet Files] box, to the [To Be Processed] box. If cabinet files are added that are not wanted, select the file and then click the (REMOVE) buttom to remove the individual file, or the (REMOVE ALL) button to remove all files, from the [To be Processed] box. Next, in the [Master Cutlist Selections] box, select the type of master cutlist desired. When all the cabinet files have been added to the [To Be Processed] box, enter a job name it the [Job Name] text box and then click the (PRODUCE CUTLIST) button. The program will create the the type of master cutlist selected. At this time the user has the choice of returning to the opening screen, saving the cutlist as a plain text file, or printing the cutlist to the printer. The save option is handy for storing the master cutlists with their associated cabinet files, or for importing into third party programs, i.e. optimizers and spreadsheets. Cabinet Creator(Trademark) Pannel Door Accessory Copyright 1998, by CAB-TECH Software(Trademark) All rights reserved ABOUT THE PANNEL DOOR ACCESSORY: The Panel Door Accessory is used to calculate all parts for raised panel, flat panel etc., doors and drawer fronts. The panel door accessory retrieves the information it needs from saved cabinet data files, in job folders that were created using the Cabinet Creator program. It will also calculate all parts for individual doors and drawer fronts from custom entered dimensions. USING THE PANNEL DOOR ACCESSORY: From the opening window, select the job folder that contains the cabinet files to be processed for doors and/or drawer fronts. Next, select a file from the [Cabinet Files] box then click the (ADD) button to add the file, or click the (ADD ALL) button to add all files located in the [Cabinet Files] box, to the [To Be Processed] box. If cabinet files are added that are not wanted, select the file and then click the (REMOVE) buttom to remove the individual file, or the (REMOVE ALL) button to remove all files, from the [To be Processed] box. Next, in the [Processing Options] box, select type of doors and drawer fronts, and whether or not the program is to automatically calculate center stiles and center rails, for oversized doors and drawer fronts. If an individual door or drawer front that is not in a saved cabinet file is needed then click the (ADDITIONAL DOORS AND DRAWER FRONTS) button. A new window will open. This is where the additional door and drawer front data is entered. Enter the data, then click the (ADD) button and the door(s) and/or drawer front(s) will be add to the [To be Processed] box on the opening window. At this time the data can be saved for late use by clicking the (SAVE) button. Next, the procedure can be repeated for another set of door(s) and/or drawer front(s) or click the (RETURN) button to return to the opening window. When all the cabinet files and/or additional door and drawer front files have been added to the [To Be Processed] box enter a job name it the [Job Name] text box and then click the (Process) button. The program will create the parts list in two different formats. The first one lists the parts per individual cabinet. The list shows door and drawer front sizes and their parts. This list is provided to assist in door and drawer front assembly. The second format is the master parts list. This list includes all parts for the entire job, in one list to be sent to the cut area to have all parts cut for a whole job. On the opening screen there is an (EDIT STANDARDS) button. Click this buttonto open the standards editing window. The standards editing window is where door and drawer front standards are inputed or modified. These standards consist of stile, center stile, rail, and center rail widths. Also included are the maxwidth and maxheight of doors and drawer fronts without center stiles and center rails. Whether the stiles or rails run full length of the door and drawer fronts is selected here as well. This option is handy for doing wainscotting and/or wall panels. The last two standards are the cutting depth of the shaper bit and the clearance in panel size to allow for expansion and contraction of door and drawer front panels. Note--After entering or modifying standards, do not forget to click (SAVE STANDARDS). The (RETURN) button returns to the opening window.